Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ideas for my sweet sixteen birthday party?

My birthday is in May and yes I know its January but this is my 16. this is my big year and I'm not hispac or jewish so I thought a big sweet 16 would be good to have. I'm planning on having like a BIG major party. I want it to be memorable, and I want everyone to remember it as the funnest party they've been to. The guest list is about 40 or more. I'm going to do it in my backyard and its pretty huge. my mom agreed to pay for a DJ, take out our ping pong table for them to play, and order pizzas and drinks. but is that too cheesy? she wouldn't let me rent a hotel or anything. so this is all I can do. my favorite colors are red black white and gray some theme needs to be 2 of those colors and my mom said black and white is for winter, white and red valentines day.and I dunno I'm in spring. I hate pink. I need help with a theme and any other good fun games and things to do at my party besides ping pong?

Ideas for my sweet sixteen birthday party?
I wouldn't worry about colors - or just use the ones your high school uses. How about a giant slip-n-slide?

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This is going to sound harsh, but you need to remind yourself what this is: A PARTY. What will you be offering your guests? So far, you've only settled on forcing them to wear a specific color. I don't know how your friends will react, but it doesn't sound like much fun to me. (Your very closest friends might tell you it sounds like fun, but what about all the other people?) Be careful, or your party will turn out to be memorable, but for all the wrong reasons.

You need a THEME more than you need colors. Unless you plan to just sit around and look at each other.

Are you and your friends into sports? The Olympics are this summer, so you could have an "Olympic Games" theme. Renaissance Fair? Casino Day?

Think about what would be fun to do, and the colors will define themselves.
Reply:Well id say do Truth or Dare :P and make it mature kissing the ugliest person u know LOL.

And choose maybe Red and Dark Blue for ur colors. that wud look AWESOME.

And for other games well maybe do some obsticle courses or something..with partners like boy + girl :D
Reply:all you really need for a good party is good food, good music, and at least 20 people when people go to a party they really don't think about the theme are the colors.

Where is it being held and can I come?
Reply:If you're looking for ideas on invites and decor, maybe you should pick up a bridal magazine. They have lots of good ideas about how to do budget (and 'splurge') invitations and decor.

I like the pizza and drinks...I mean, you're only 16, I wouldn't do an all out fine dining experience.

You can have plenty of fun without renting a hotel room, if you have a backyard party it will be fun for everyone (plus, some of your friends might have trouble getting permission from their parents if it's at a hotel).

To personalize your party, why not make/serve a drink named after yourself - you can do a smoothie, punch, tea, virgin margarita (it's more fun that pop).

You can buy some cupcakes instead of a cake (a little more creative).

You don't have to limit yourself to balloons and streamers, you can decorate the house with flowers and garland bought from a craft store. You can buy some really cute patio string lanterns.

You can set up some other games like mini golf, croquet or bocce ball (they sound cheesy, but it's fun, especially for people who aren't keen on dancing all night).

I disagree with your mother that black and white is for winter. Black, white and red would be so easy to buy. You wouldn't have any trouble finding decor in those colors.

I'm a big fan of brown and blue (robin's egg blue). Again, check out bridal magazines for more color combos. Or you could do black and blue. Maybe before choosing your colors, you should go to a party supplies shop and see what you like.
Reply:This is the etiquette category...oh well..

Ping pong? And you're talking about having the most fun party? Well...I don't agree. Actually, depends on your guests. What do they like to do? Dance? Are they mostly females?

This is a tough one. I would say dancing and a lot of good food for one. But then it won't be, "the most memorable."

To have the most memorable, of course, you would need a couple celebrities and the MTV film crew..
Reply:you sound like paris hilton

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