Thursday, November 12, 2009

What should I do for my Sweet 16?

I'm turning 16 towards the end of December (winter) and I still have no idea what to do.

I don't want to have a huge formal thing because I'm not too big on being the center of attention.

I just want a party with anywhere from 10-20 people that I'm close friends with.

The only ideas I can think of involve warmer weather (beach, park, Hawaiian Luau, etc) so they're not realistic. I don't really want to wait another half a year to have my party...that just seems silly to me. It seems less meaningful to not have my Sweet 16 party, if not the day of, then at least within a week or so after I turn 16.

I don't want my party to be too casual either because I want it to be bigger than what I've done in the past (ex: movies, bowling, board games, skating, etc.) with my friends for previous birthdays.

I need to find the perfect balance, and I'm running out of time...any suggestions?

What should I do for my Sweet 16?
You could have a nice indoor beach theme. They are fun..lots of color..and brightness....You could find a place with a pool and enjoy the day with your friends that way. A nice break from the winter. You all can go and tan and enjoy being young.
Reply:i know it not that much but this web site can you ideas for themes go to
Reply:PARTYY BUSSSSS ! get everybody to chip in a little bit . and it will be superduppperr fun !

office chair

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