Friday, May 21, 2010

Is autoumn more vulnerable to feeling the dead?

In fall, When the air is cold and thick dry i feel like I can feel the dead around me, In certain areas I feel cold spots Ive never seen a ghost in my life yet in the fall I feel them all around me. Does it have something to do with the fact that in the fall the break of the year things are dying to prepare for the winter. Nothertheless every fall I can taste the feeling inhale the air of sweet memories of previous falls.

Is autoumn more vulnerable to feeling the dead?
It has more to do with the wiring of the human brain than with any actual dead around you.

Humans made it to their modern station in life by being pattern-seekers. We sense things that aren't there. We make connections other animals can't see. This is how we eventually founded science and the technology that cures diseases, puts people on the moon, and connects the world instantly.

But we our pattern-seeking instinct evolved to be a little too sensitive. Many times, we see patterns we merely want to see. We sense gods and demons and angels and spirits and psychic powers -- and in your case, ghosts.

Always ask:

1. What is the evidence?

2. If no evidence, why should I believe?

3. If I shouldn't believe, do I have time to bother with this?
Reply:Gives Samhain some credibility doesn't it?

Seriously, when I was younger I used to swear that when I went into a cemetery I could feel spirits on me like spider webs. Then I went to a Dr. and he gave me some meds for that.
Reply:Some believe the veil between worlds is thinnest from Samhain until Imbolq.

flowers gifts

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