Saturday, May 15, 2010

How do we get sweeter peaches?

We thought that after our unusually cold winter here in Phoenix that we would have great peaches this spring. They are nice and juicy but not very sweet or flavorful. What are we not doing????

How do we get sweeter peaches?
It may just be the variety you are growing. Some varieties are sweeter than others. Cling peaches tend to be sweeter than freestone, for example. White flesh peaches are just bleah.

If they have been sweet in the past, I'd reccommend addition of trace minerals to the soil. You can get organic ammendments like volcanic sand products that will provide the soil with rich supplies of trace minerals that the plant may be needing.

Look into organic fertilizers. The chemical ones "force" growth and may sacrifice flavor.
Reply:I don't know about grwing them, but I know that when I buy peaches that are not up to my par I put them in a paper bag in the window for a day or two, that usually really sweetens them up
Reply:That is a good question.. Maybe it's because of diffrent countires and exspecially warm Countries like South America.

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