Saturday, May 15, 2010

Low Carb Diet Question?

I'm sticking to a low carb diet for a couple of weeks as a quick fix to shift a few excess winter pounds. However, I'm craving something sweet. Has anyone got any ideas as to what I can eat that's low carb but will satisfy my craving?

Low Carb Diet Question?
Yes I have.

Get some cream cheese and some double cream and whisk it together with a teaspoon splenda (much lower in carb than sugar doesnt stall weight loss) until its at a firm consistancy, mix in some 100% cocoa powder

Pour the mixture into a small dish or glass and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Cocoa powder is deemed a spice, so is perfect just as long as you get 100% cocoa.
Reply:sugar free jelly with cream you can have that on the atkins mmmmm its nice lol
Reply:Quick fixes not always help. A more sensible eating pattern where you change your habits is usually more effective.

To answer your question I would say to go for:


Dark chocolate (over 75% pure)


Also, if at any given time you enjoy a treat, it is not the end of the world, just exercise a little more to burn those extra calories. It is more a matter of keeping on a diet/exercise plan that allows you to indulge in some treats every once in a while.
Reply:If your body is craving carbohydrates - dont you think its trying to tell you something??? If your try to cut them out you'll probably end up pigging out on them lata or pigging out on meat and eggs (yeah thats great for your heart) or even a bowl of double cream?? (even better)I know - how about a piece of fruit? natures sweets... oh yeah and quick fixes DO NOT WORK long term... they can actually change they way your body processes and metabolises food which is not good when you eat "normally" again (the yo-yo effect)... Look and feel good for life and do it the healthy and safe way...
Reply:Well, if you are getting a headache try some pineapple chunks in your next salad, use about 4 or 5. If you don't like that idea try some yogurt with acitviea ( one serving container.) If you need any more meal ideas for a low carb diet, check out and click on the " The Fat Burning Diet" book.
Reply:I cut out bread, rice, pasta and potatoes completely and pigged out on meat, cheese, eggs, fruit and veg and chocolate and sweets and everything else! I lost more than 10kg's over a space of about 15 months. Different diets suit different people, it worked for me though.

Good luck!
Reply:well....sticky toffee pudding is nice.....but thats why im fat....ummmmmm oh yeah...oh wait never mind sozzles....oh yeah ice cream...tesco valu has nothing cept for ice and cream
Reply:I followed Atkins a few years back and found that the sugar free sweets in Holland and Barrett did the job for me. They are low carb too but don't eat too many as you will get the polytrots!! It does say that if you eat too many they can have a laxative effect and this I found to my great discomfort. Having said that I was so delighted to have found low carb sugar free sweets I didn't actually care at the time. Have you tried the low carb chocolate bars? They are really nice. I have listed a site below that I used to get some of my low carb supplies from. Great site and she gives freebies too as well as having loads of special offers.
Reply:Get a container of whip cream and freeze it you can have a table spoon of it when you really need something sweet (low in carbs and really hits the spot) just don't eat alot of it in one day. It worked great for me

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